The Century One Foundation is very pleased to announce the renewal of the project, The New Foundation for Biblical Research.
The project coordinator is Samuel Martin, the son of the late Dr. Ernest L. Martin (1932-2002), one of the founding members of the Foundation for Biblical Research.
Samuel Martin has joined the Century One Foundation as a Director.
Samuel Martin lives in Jerusalem and an accomplished researcher in his own right.
This new project commenced on January 1, 2016 and our renewed partnership has a three year time frame.
This new project will focus on the dissemination of knowledge through:
- Publishing, Advocacy, and Training interested parties concerning ancient customs/practices relating to children, families and ancient society
- Working against violence in the family globally
- Anthropologically Oriented Development Aid Work
- Cutting edge fundraising tools and techniques
- Promoting democratic values to men, women, boys and girls using historical and anthropological methodologies to increase understanding and awareness.
- Empowering women and other marginalized groups
- Development Aid Efficiency Programs
- Cutting edge Development Oriented Aid Program Development and Implementation
- Encouraging and promoting interest free development oriented lending programs
Stay tuned for updates and announcements of new activities in the near future.

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